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Description: 本次大作业利用K‐近邻(K‐Nearest Neighbor)算法,为给定的训练数据集构造了分类器, 并在测试数据集上进行分类预测,同时计算了Accuracy、Precision、Recall和F‐measure,利用 10‐fold的实验方法进行交叉验证。-The big job to use K-neighbor (K-Nearest Neighbor) algorithm, for a given set of training data classifier is constructed, and the test data sets to classify forecasts, while the calculation of the Accuracy, Precision, Recall and F-measure , using 10-fold cross-validation of experimental methods.
Platform: | Size: 1010688 | Author: andy | Hits:


Description: 模式识别某次课程的作业,完成了高斯分布下的两种贝叶斯分类器,以及非参数的K近邻、Parzen窗方法,采用UCI机器学习数据库中的某些数据作为样本,使用交叉验证方法确定参数-Pattern recognition of a particular course work, completed under the two Gaussian Bayesian classifier, and the non-parametric K-nearest neighbor, Parzen window method, using UCI machine learning database as sample some of the data, using cross-validation method to determine the parameters
Platform: | Size: 1138688 | Author: libo | Hits:


Description: MATLAB cross-validation tool for classification and regression v0.1 FEATURES: + K-fold cross validation. + Arbitrary train and prediction functions with parameters can be used. + Arbitrary loss function can be used. + Wrappers for KNN, SVM, GLM, robust regression and decision trees. + Wrappers for RMSE, MAD and misclassification loss functions.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: milk | Hits:


Description: 分别采用GMM和KDE对Iris数据集进行密度建模,并进行对比。通过EM算法来确定GMM参数,通过交叉验证来确定K值-GMM and KDE respectively Iris data set of density modeling, and compared. GMM by EM algorithm to determine the parameters of K determined by the value of cross-validation
Platform: | Size: 2951168 | Author: 高进 | Hits:


Description: Feature selection methods for machine learning algorithms such as SVR, including one filter-based method (CFS) and two wrapper-based methods (GA and PSO). The gridsearch is for the grid search for the optimal hyperparemeters of SVR. The SVM_CV is for the k-fold cross-validation of SVR. All the programs are flexible and could be implemented by the users themselves.-Feature selection methods for machine learning algorithms such as SVR, including one filter-based method (CFS) and two wrapper-based methods (GA and PSO). The gridsearch is for the grid search for the optimal hyperparemeters of SVR. The SVM_CV is for the k-fold cross-validation of SVR. All the programs are flexible and could be implemented by the users themselves.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: Gang Fu | Hits:


Description: matlab交叉验证cross Validation,把样本集分为训练集和测试集,防止网络出现过拟合,提高网络的泛化能力和预测精度-cross Validation for matlab,to estimate the test accuracy,training accuray and validation accuracy of a neural network
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 周杰伦 | Hits:


Description: 一个matlab写的bp人工神经网络程序,参数优化采用交叉验证办法-Write a matlab bp artificial neural network program, parameter optimization using cross-validation method
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: lifei | Hits:


Description: 机器学习大牛Dale Schuurmans写的多类SVMs的快速实现算法,可以自己修改核函数,通过K-fold cross validation训练得到最优参数,分类效果很好-Machine learning large cattle Dale Schuurmans write multi-class SVMs fast algorithm, can modify the kernel function, the optimal parameters through K-fold cross validation training classification works well
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: wang | Hits:


Description: Implement the K nearest neighbor algorithm by your own instead of using available software. 2. Use K-fold cross validation to generate training and testing datasets. You should try different K values (3~8) to see how they affect your result. 3. Train the classifier using your training dataset, and test the classifier using your testing dataset. 4. Repeat the experiment (Step 2 and Step 3) 30 times. For each time, you need to record the training data accuracy and testing data accuracy. Finally, you can obtain the average training data accuracy and average testing data accuracy.
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: Chang | Hits:


Description: 用matlab实现Part1. 实现一个k近邻分类器,Part 2.实现一个最小二乘分类器,Part 3.实现一个支持向量机分类器,Part 4.在不同数据集上使用交叉验证选择各个算法的参数-Part1. Achieve a k-nearest neighbor classifier, Part 2. Achieve a least-squares classifier, Part 3. Implement a support vector machine classifier, Part 4. Different data sets used in the cross-validation to select individual parameters of the algorithm
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 张翰晓 | Hits:


Description: k近邻分类器分类 包括PCA功能 归一化 并且带有交叉检验功能-k nearest neighbor classifiers including PCA function normalized and with cross-validation function
Platform: | Size: 142336 | Author: 朱戎生 | Hits:


Description: Divide/Create data into K-Folds training and testing data which are balanced basing on the labels. It is for k-fold cross validation.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: tund | Hits:


Description: matlab编写的调整svm参数的程序,其中cross是主程序,另两个是自己编写的svm核函数,如果要用matlab自带的核函数就把-t的值改成2即可。Ytrain是标记矩阵,Xtrain是特征矩阵,都由用户自己导入。可利用k倍交叉验证来选择最优的c参数。k可自行更改。-svm matlab prepared to adjust the parameters of the program, which cross the main program, and the other two are themselves prepared svm kernel function, if you use the value of the kernel function matlab own put-t can be changed to 2. Ytrain is labeled matrix, Xtrain is characteristic matrix, imported by the users themselves. K-fold cross-validation can be used to select the optimal c parameter. k can make changes.
Platform: | Size: 1728512 | Author: wang | Hits:


Description: ann k-fold cross validation matlab cone
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: amit | Hits:

[Other systemssvm-regression-k-fold-cross-validation

Description: SVM with K-fold cross validation
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: amit | Hits:


Description: 以著名的wine数据作为实验样本。包括k-NN算法,交叉验证,PCA降维等。-With the famous wine data as experimental samples.K- NN algorithm, cross validation, PCA dimension reduction, etc.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: Zhuzhiwei | Hits:


Description: code for lvq and split the data to be train and test by k-fold cross validation with k=5
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: nicky | Hits:


Description: 统计模式识别工具箱(STPRTool 版本2.12 2013-09-12) 功能有线性判别函数、特征提取、密度估计和聚类、支持向量机、贝叶斯分类器、交叉验证等-Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox Methods: Fisher,PCA,GMM,K-means,SVM,Bayes classifier,Cross-validation,KNN,etc.
Platform: | Size: 6036480 | Author: lee | Hits:


Description: K fold cross validation on svm
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Anthony Prajwal | Hits:

[Windows DevelopK-fold-Cross-Validation-master

Description: 进行K折交叉验证,将数据分为K份,将1份作为TEST,剩下K-1份作为TRAINING,对TEST进行测试(K folding cross validation)
Platform: | Size: 371712 | Author: GarethWU | Hits:
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